It's Time to Go Quantum in Healing
Frequency work is the cornerstone of the transformation of Quantum Psychosomatics. Grounded in the foundational principles of quantum sciences, behavioral psychology, and somatic mind-body practices, Quantum Psychosomatics synthesizes these fields to help humanity shift, awaken, and evolve. The journey toward self-actualization is rooted in energy, frequency, and vibration.
First, this isn’t a modality, and I am not your guru. It’s a scientifically supported process of identifying and reconditioning patterns that aren’t yours, and then reimagining and recreating your life from a higher perspective. Ultimately, living from your innate and perpetual intelligence—completely self-sourced—is the pathway toward liberation and deeper self-discovery
What is Quantum Psychosomatics?
Quantum psychosomatics is an interdisciplinary concept that integrates principles of quantum physics with psychosomatics, the study of how mental and emotional factors influence physical health. It suggests that the mind-body connection operates on a quantum level, where consciousness, emotions, and physical states interact in non-linear, energetic ways. In this framework, psychological and emotional states can impact physical health by influencing the body’s energy fields or quantum states, potentially leading to changes in health outcomes through shifts in perception or consciousness.
Quantum Medicine
Quantum medicine is an emerging field that applies principles of quantum physics to understand and influence the body’s energy systems for healing and wellness. It suggests that the human body is not just a biological system but also an energetic and informational one, where quantum phenomena like wave-particle duality, entanglement, and non-locality can impact health. Quantum medicine integrates aspects of energy healing, bioenergetics, and mind-body connections, exploring how changes at the quantum level might lead to improved physical, emotional, and mental health outcomes.
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real”
Where did I start?
I began with what we already know.
For example, we know that the brain works in very specific ways in how it’s conditioned—through qualitative and quantitative experiences, conditions, and thought patterns. While the brain thinks it’s acting in your best interest, it’s simply a processor, not a creative producer. We also know that we have three brains in one—the neocortex (the thinking brain), the limbic brain (the emotional brain), and the reptilian brain (our survival brain). Each influences our behavior, shaping how we learn and who we are. Much of how we see ourselves and create our lives comes from the brain: our subconscious thoughts, patterned behaviors, and emotional responses. Taking these fundamental neuroscience principles, we can use quantum psychosomatics to build on them.
Our brain is a master decoder, translating the world around us through an acronym I simplified for you called S.E.P.T.B.A: sensation, emotions, perceptions, thoughts, behaviors, and actions. This process illustrates how we convert raw sensory information into a coherent, subjective experience. When our brain processes sensations (S), it not only registers physical stimuli but also integrates emotions (E), perceptions (P), thoughts (T), behaviors (B), and actions (A). This comprehensive processing creates a multidimensional experience of reality, much like a hologram.
We also know that patterns are epigenetically inherited—that our DNA stores 14 generations of patterned information, including trauma in our cellular memory and, therefore, the body. This has been scientifically proven. Taking the fundamental principles of epigenetics and genomics, we can use quantum psychosomatics to build on them.
We also know that in behavioral psychology, patterns are created by our environment, through repetition, and from strategies we developed as children to keep ourselves safe. Over time, our family dynamics shape who we are—unless we choose to live differently than what they want for us.
We also have loads of scientific studies proving the power of the placebo effect—that belief can change our biology and gene expression.
In the quantum world—encompassing both physics and mechanics—it has been proven that nothing is at rest; everything vibrates, and phenomena behave in unpredictable, chaotic, and even "spooky" ways. This unusual behavior forms the basis for theories such as entanglement, string theory, wave-particle duality, and the many-worlds theory. These theories intertwine across various fields, suggesting that everything, down to the smallest quark particles, is information. Mastery lies in how you perceive and interpret this information.
At its core, frequency work is perception utilizing quantum principles—quantified and qualified through accuracy, mastered through practice. The data speaks for itself. Something else I could add to this list is quantum computation—but that’s a whole other animal!
So, it turns out we know a lot, actually. I talk about this work at length in the book, on my podcast, Superfreq®, and all over my social media channels—fortifying my mission to catalyze awakening and be a conduit for bringing consciousness into mainstream science.
At the intersection of quantum sciences, somatic mind-body practices, and human behavior lies what I believe is the future of healing:
Quantum Psychosomatics—a very freqy way to awaken.
Very Freqy Girl
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