highvoltage mastermind

Can't wait to see you inside friend!

Utilize the momentum of a group to catalyze rapid change through the power of frequencies and quantum reprogramming.

High intensity transformation around what I call the "Primary Darks": Dark Mother/ femme, Dark Father/ Masc, Dark Mind/Dark AI, Dark Self, Dark Creator. High intensity transformation, not for the faint of heart :)

Rapid change in 6 months?


"don't become the greatest version of your limited self."

Talie Miller is a trailblazer in exploring the intersection of science and self. As a spiritual scientist and writer, she is dedicated to uncovering the truth of human potential and personal freedom. Through her podcast and organization, SuperFreq®, Talie delves into how we shape our lives through deep-rooted patterns and frequencies, using insights from quantum science and mind-body practices. Her work reimagines what it means to live your fullest potential.

A catalyst for change, Talie blends her background college education in human behavior and her E-RYT 500 certification with insights from physics, psychology, and cultural conditioning. She brings a wealth of sober, trauma-informed knowledge and research to her work. Her mission is to illuminate the truth of who we are and why we’re here while guiding us toward the next wave of consciousness evolution—quantum psychosomatics.

Very Freqy Girl

meet your guide

Here are the program goodies 

2 x 45-55 minute sessions. Recordings will be held in a portal for you re-listen to at will. 

2 x Zoom Group Sessions

Inclusion No.1

During the calls, Talie will perform mini-readings and clearings for each participant, addressing your unique patterns while simultaneously clearing shared blocks within the groupthink of it as a Superfreq® session on steroids! Plus, as a special bonus, you’ll also receive group clearing work, amplifying your transformation even further ($125 value).

Mini-Reads & Clearings Per Individual + Group Work

Inclusion No.2

This is the time to ask questions about patterns and stagnancy, plus higher knowledge concepts. Talie will share insight on higher knowledge concepts like the latest research in quantum physics and higher consciousness topics.

Q&A's + Higher Knowledge Nuggets

Inclusion No.3

Need more integration? This mastermind offers a Superfreqy Yoga so you can stretch your capacity to take in more light.  

Access to a single Superfreq® Awakening Series or High Voltage Health™ per month.

Inclusion No.4

"Talie, how do you always know when to leave these messages? You are right on time girl! Thank you for your service and what you offer."

what our members are saying:

-Kim Waters, Telegram community member

join the fam

all the rage

— amy

"After working with Quinn, I was able to carve 10 hours off my work week while doubling my income."

— Star

"After working with Quinn, I was able to carve 10 hours off my work week while doubling my income."

— Bernadette

"After working with Quinn, I was able to carve 10 hours off my work week while doubling my income. After working with Quinn, I was able to carve 10 hours off my work week while doubling my income."

— Bianca

"After working with Quinn, I was able to carve 10 hours off my work week while doubling my income."

you might be thinking...

you may be wondering about some things

Unlike other modalities (and believe me I've tried them all) Frequency works at your original blueprint level- your sonic fingerprint. By deleting and/ or re-sequencing transgenerational epigenetic patterning at a subatomic or quantum level, how you create your reality begins to shift. Pattern removal happens in layers, so its not usually a one and done thing but it's Talie's mission to teach others to do this for themselves like she is already doing. 

When clearing at such a deep level some detox is inevitable, even is you feel "slightly off" after sessions. It's like working out after not doing so in a while your muscles are sore in places you didn't think you had muscles-- it's similar. For example if you cleared a bunch of patterns around control you may be presented with situations or opportunities to confirm delete these patters the following days by making different decisions-- contrary action equals contrary behavior. 

Let's talk about expectations. There are two types of folks who come in. Those who are usually fearful, tend to be controlled or are controlling, who want measurable results. That's totally understandable, but here's the irony, these patterns are stickkyyyyy little f*ckers and are usually connected to deep trauma, wounding and other inherited patterning that take a little longer than others. I know this first hand because I had ALL of them and more, kickstarting the momentum is the key, eventually there will be some crunchy moments, headaches, body pain and a lot of the same old shit presenting itself until you do something different. THEN, there are those who simply let go of shit super fast and are ready to move onto the next. If this is you, you will have little to no detox. 

Believe me when I say this shit is strange to me too. I can say that everyone has "abilities" to heal themselves, and my main objective is to help illuminate these patterns that are keeping you in stagnation and then help you do it for yourself so you are not reliant on me. I essentially want to make myself irrelevant. That said, everyone comes with their own unique sonic fingerprint, or frequency fractal IP address. You came in with an aggregated set of patterns that your former generations didn't clean up so it's on you now. Sorry bout that but also not because thats the good news! These patterns aren't yours they are your responsibility though. Everything is binary cod, ones and zeros, when you merge with your higher self, you get access. If you use that access for good you get more access. It's like spiritual mario brothers or Contra. Your subconscious is running the show until you wake up to let spirit do it. That's where I come in. Re-programming is a combination of deleting quantum structures or timelines, to transmuting energy to helping you understand how you're creating your reality to do it for yourself. When you are present you're in a high frequency, your thoughts, will and intentions are sent into a "database" where your innate intelligence organizes that intent, will and thought in to a sequence to be brought into form. That's the mastery. Learning how to create, in a single moment in time, in a body. 

In short, everything in the universe is made up of frequency, sound, vibration and energy-nothing is at rest. There is only one "pure source" to which we are a fractal of experiencing  itself in our own unique and individual expression. Our bodies are made up of the same atomic and subatomic material as the universe. WE are Tesla technology. Furthermore, our brains are quantum processors (peer reviewed, even the CIA used this process in the Gateway Process) and our reality is made up of binary code, algorithms like the matrix. When you begin this process it will feel like a bunch of quantum woo, pseudoscience, that's because mainstream science doesn't want free thinkers, they want predictable, newtonian materialists. When you embody you come in with a hard drive of information because you are the latest rendition of your family lineage, you're running enter your last name___19.0, therefore you are caring all  of their records and if you don't clean it up then these patterns continue to aggregate in a closed loop system.  The goal of this work is to help wake you up faster, reclaim who you are and free yourself "perceptively" from what you think this reality is versus what is actually is-- a big game of learning.  Those of us who have been fortunate enough to clear away enough of our own BS and come "online" can see beyond the veils and in the unseen, where the truth of the information really is, and from this perspective help you clear away the patterns that are keeping you in stagnation at frequency level to help you change faster, evolve higher and have an all around more joyful and peaceful life.  Pretty cool huh?